Competitive Prices | Enclosed Facilities — Open All Year | Clean, Fast, and Efficient
(804) 912-2498
What is Ferrous Metal?
We often get asked by folks whether or not their item of scrap can be recycled. The best bang for your buck is a metal that passes the “Magnet Test.”
Down to Brass Tacks
We often get questions about our prices for brass, and why one object may be worth more than another. It comes down to what it was used for.
What Happens to the Scrap?
How do we turn piles of scrap back into valuable metal?
So You Want to Scrap for Cash…
Recycling scrap metal allows you to do something good for the environment AND put a few dollars in your pocket. But how do you start?
Why You Should Recycle Your Computer
As software and hardware improves and people yearn for the latest gizmo, the waste from your devices begins to add up.
We Need One of These
If we had a car shredder like this, we might accept entire vehicles.
What’s the Difference?
Folks often ask us about our pricing for scrap metal. A pound of copper is a pound of copper, right?
The Magic of Aluminum
There’s something about aluminum that’s always fascinated us. This video shows you how it’s recycled.
It Doesn’t Pay
There are only so many places in the region where you can turn in scrap metal for money. We’re one of those places, and we know which items are prone to theft.
Is It Stain Less?
You’ve gone out to eat at your favorite restaurant. At some point, you wander past the kitchen, and there, amidst the clatter of pots and pans and the hiss of steam, you see the shine of stainless steel. Why?
Bee Green Recycling
3609 Nine Mile Rd.
Richmond, VA 23223
M-F: 7AM - 4:30PM
SAT: 7AM - 12PM
SUN: Closed