Summer is always a beehive of activity. Backyard cookouts, trips to the beach, and quality time on the porch. It’s also a busy time in the trades. Gardeners and landscapers are busy, and construction is going full-tilt. Things tend to slow down a bit in the winter as the weather cools off.

Do you know what doesn’t slow down?

Your opportunity to gather up some scrap metal and trade it in for cash.

Think about all of those lawn and garden implements you wore out over the summer. Is your old rake going to make it through another fall? Is it time to invest in a new snow shovel? The cost for a new lawn mower keeps rising and repair costs have gone through the roof. Trading in those old tools and broken mowers will not only create some room in your shed – it’ll put some cash towards new ones!

Another sure spot to grab some scrap is your attic. It’s too hot to do anything meaningful up there in the summer, but as it cools, you can spend some time sorting through your assortment of relics. Old brass lamps and fixtures? Bring them in. The bed frame you’ve been saving for 20 years? Valuable iron. Now would be a good time to test out all of those Christmas lights and figure out what needs to be replaced. They’re loaded with copper wire!

Many people who live in older homes use this time of year to change out their screens for storm windows. Screens window frames are generally aluminum in older homes. Window unit air conditioners are also valuable as a scrap item.

With construction and renovation slowing down, we’re receiving less construction scrap. That makes yours more valuable. Scrap metal pricing is a lot like most costs – it’s all about supply and demand. What was going for 3 cents/pound in August may earn you a few more bucks in December.

Don’t hibernate this winter! Do some Not-Spring-Cleaning and gather up some scrap metal!